strange, odd, (zvláštny) funny
Je divné, že...
It is strange (that)...
ɪt ɪz streɪndʒ (ðæt)
Mám divný pocit.
I have a strange/funny feeling.
aɪ hæv ə streɪndʒ/ˈfʌnɪ ˈfiːlɪŋ
Čo je na tom divné?
What's (so) strange about it?
wɒts (səʊ) streɪndʒ əˈbaʊt ɪt?
Cítim sa divne.
I feel strange., I feel out of sorts.
Vyzerá to divne.
It looks strange/funny.
ɪt lʊks streɪndʒ/ˈfʌnɪ
Je trochu divný.
He is a bit of an oddball.
Na ulici ma zastavil nejaký divný chlapík.
A strange guy came up to me in the street.
ə streɪndʒ gaɪ keɪm ʌp tə miː ɪn ðə striːt