quite, fairly, (pomerne) rather
Bolo to celkom dobré.
It was quite/fairly good.
ɪt wɒz kwaɪt/ˈfεəlɪ gʊd
Mám sa celkom dobre.
I am (doing) quite well.
Vyzerá celkom dobre.
He looks quite good.
hɪ lʊks kwaɪt gʊd
Celkom sa mi to páčilo.
I quite liked it.
Celkom sa zlepšila.
Overall she has improved.
Je to celkom dobré auto.
It's quite a good car., Altogether, it's a good car.
ɪts kwaɪt ə gʊd kɑːˌˌɔːltəˈgεðəˌ ɪts ə gʊd kɑː
Vonku je celkom teplo.
It is quite warm outside.
Poznám ju celkom dobre.
I know her quite well.
Je celkom rozumný. (dá sa s ním hovoriť)
He's quite reasonable.
nie tak celkom
not quite, not really
nɒt kwaɪtˌ nɒt ˈrɪəlɪ