
fight, struggle, combat

Bojuje o život.
He's fighting for his life.
hiːz faɪtɪŋ fə hɪz laɪf
Bojujú o prežitie.
They struggle to survive.
ðeɪ ˈstrʌgl tə səˈvaɪv
Bude bojovať o titul.
He'll fight for the title.
hiːl faɪt fə ðə ˈtaɪtl
Bojovali za vlasť.
They fought for their country.
ðeɪ fɔːt fə ðεə ˈkʌntrɪ
bojovať s veternými mlynmi
tilt at windmills
tɪlt æt ˈwɪndˌmɪlz