
forehead, (predná časť) head, front (end)

Stála otočená čelom ku mne.
She was facing me.
ʃɪ wɒz ˈfeɪsɪŋ miː
Poklepal si na čelo.
He tapped his forehead.
hɪ tæpt hɪz ˈfɔːhεd
Je na čele. (pretekov)
He is in the lead.
hɪ ɪz ɪn ðə liːd
Má to napísané na čele.
It is written all over his face.
ɪt ɪz ˈrɪtn ɔːl ˈəʊvə hɪz feɪs
postaviť sa (k) problému čelom
face the problem, take the bull by the horns
feɪs ðə ˈprɒbləmˌ teɪk ðə bʊl baɪ ðə hɔːnz