over, (naprieč) across, (z jednej strany na druhú) through
Našiel som to cez internet.
I found it via the Internet.
Prejdite cez ulicu.
Cross the street.
Ako sa dostaneme cez rieku?
How do we get across the river?
Preskočil cez plot.
He leaped over the fence.
Navštívim ťa cez víkend.
I'll visit you at/(AmE) on the weekend.
aɪl ˈvɪzɪt juː æt/ɒn ðəˌwiːkˈεnd
Cez deň nepršalo.
There was no rain during/through the day.
ðεə wɒz nəʊ reɪn ˈdjʊərɪŋ/θruː ðə deɪ
Urobilo mi to škrt cez rozpočet.
That thwarted my plans.
Len cez moju mŕtvolu.
Over my dead body.