dať si
have sth , (urobiť) have sth done
Čo si dáš na pitie?
What will you have to drink?
Daj si pivo!
Have a beer!
Dám si praženicu.
I'll have scrambled eggs.
Dal by som si...
I would like (to have)...
aɪ wʊd laɪk (tə hæv)
Dáte si (ešte)?
Would you like some (more)?
Dám si sprchu.
I'll take a shower.
Dali sme si stretnutie/zraz...
We arranged to meet...
wiː əˈreɪndʒd tə miːt
Daj si záležať.
Do your best., Give it your best!
dʊ jɔː bεstˌ gɪv ɪt jɔː bεst!
Nedá si povedať.
He (just) won't listen (to reason).
Daj si pozor na jazyk!
Watch your mouth!
Dám si to opraviť.
I'll have it repaired/fixed.
aɪl hæv ɪt rɪˈpεəd/fɪkst
Daj si poradiť.
Take my advice.