na koho/čo wait for sb/sth , (form.) await sb/sth , (predpokladať) expect sb/sth
Na čo/koho čakáte?
What/Who are you waiting for?
wɒt/huː ɑː juː weɪtɪŋ fə?
Čakám, až príde.
I am waiting for him to come.
Čaká na súd.
He is awaiting trial.
Ako dlho (tu už) čakáte?
How long have you been waiting (here)?
Nenechávaj ju čakať.
Don't keep her waiting.
A čo si čakal?
What else did you expect?
Presne to som čakal.
I expected as much., That's/Just what I expected.
aɪ ɪkˈspεktɪd əz mʌtʃˌ ðæts/dʒʌst wɒt aɪ ɪkˈspεktɪd
To sa dalo čakať.
It was to be expected., (That's) No surprise!
Čaká sa od nich, že vyhrajú.
They are expected to win.
Čaká tretie dieťa.
She is expecting her third child., She is pregnant with third child.
Čakali sme v rade.
We queued/were queuing., (AmE) We were lining up.
wiː kjuːd/wɜː kjuːɪŋˌ wiː wɜː ˈlaɪnɪŋ ʌp
Kto vie, čo nás čaká?
Who knows what the future holds/has in store for us?
huː nəʊz wɒt ðə ˈfjuːtʃə həʊlds/hæz ɪn stɔː fə əs?
Čaká ich nepríjemné prekvapenie.
They are in for a nasty surprise.
Problémy, ktoré nás čakajú...
Problems which lie ahead of us...
ˈprɒbləmz wɪtʃ laɪ əˈhεd əv əs
Kríza na seba nenechala dlho čakať.
The crisis was not long in coming.
Čakám iba na teba/vás. (som pripravený)
Ready when you are.
Čakám, až zavolá.
I'm waiting for his call., I'm waiting for him to call.
To sa načakáš!
You can wait forever!, You can whistle for it!