dariť sa
1(mať úspech) v čom be successful at sth , (zvládať) be managing to do sth , do well
Všetko sa mi teraz darí.
Everything is going my way.
Darí sa mu (všetko), na čo siahne.
Everything he touches turns to gold., He never puts a foot wrong.
Nedarí sa im získať si voličov.
They are failing to win over the voters.
Nedarí sa mi to opraviť.
I'm unable to repair it.
2(prospievať) do, (mať sa) fare, get on
Ako sa ti darí?
How are you (doing)?, How are things going?
haʊ ɑː juː (ˈduːɪŋ)?ˌ haʊ ɑː θɪŋz ˈgəʊɪŋ?
Darí sa mi dobre.
I'm (doing) fine.
V škole sa jej darí.
She is doing well at school.
V zamestnaní sa mu darí.
He is getting on well in his job.
Veľmi sa im nedarilo. (nešlo im to)
They didn't do very well.
Dnes sa mu darí lepšie. (zdravotne)
He is feeling better today.