
be, (budúci čas pomocou) will (be)

Je tu niekto?
(Is there) anybody here?
(ɪz ðεə) ˈεnɪˌbɒdɪ hɪə?
Je tu/doma?
Is he here/in?
ɪz hɪ hɪə/ɪn?
Nie je tu/doma.
He isn't here/in.
hɪ ˈɪznt hɪə/ɪn
Preto si tu.
That's why you are here.
ðæts waɪ juː ɑː hɪə
Tamto sú/je to!
There they are/it is!
ðεə ðeɪ ɑː/ɪt ɪz!
Kde si/ste?
Where are you?
wεə ɑː juː?
Kde ste boli?
Where were you?, Where have you been?
wεə wɜː juː?ˌ wεə hæv juː bɪn?
Kde je to?
Where is it?
wεə ɪz ɪt?
Je tu nablízku nemocnica?
Is there a hospital near here?
ɪz ðεə ə ˈhɒspɪtl nɪə hɪə?
Nie je to ďaleko.
It is not far away.
ɪt ɪz nɒt fɑː əˈweɪ
Nebolo to bohviečo. (kvalita ap.)
It was nothing special., It was nothing to write home about.
ɪt wɒz ˈnʌθɪŋ ˈspεʃəlˌ ɪt wɒz ˈnʌθɪŋ tə raɪt həʊm əˈbaʊt
Čo je ti?
What's the matter with you?
wɒts ðə ˈmætə wɪθ juː?
Je niečo nové?
Any news?
ˈεnɪ njuːz?
Niečo nie je v poriadku?
Is anything wrong?
ɪz ˈεnɪˌθɪŋ rɒŋ?
Je mi z toho zle.
It makes me (feel) sick., It nauseates me.
ɪt meɪks miː (fiːl) sɪkˌ ɪt ˈnɔːzɪˌeɪts miː
Nie sme spokojní.
We are not satisfied.
wiː ɑː nɒt ˈsætɪsfaɪd
Nie je mi dobre.
I'm not feeling well.
aɪm nɒt ˈfiːlɪŋ wεl
Je mi zle/dobre.
I feel sick/fine.
aɪ fiːl sɪk/faɪn
Je mi horúco/zima.
I am hot/cold.
aɪ əm hɒt/kəʊld
(Vonku) je hrozná horúčava.
It's awfully hot (outside).
ɪts ˈɔːfəlɪ hɒt (ˌaʊtˈsaɪd)
Bolo mi do plaču.
I felt like crying.
aɪ fεlt laɪk ˈkraɪɪŋ
To je problém.
That's a problem.
ðæts ə ˈprɒbləm
To je moja vec.
That's my business.
ðæts maɪ ˈbɪznɪs
To je jedno.
It doesn't matter.
ɪt ˈdʌznt ˈmætə
Je mi to jedno/fuk.
I don't care (about it)., I don't give a damn!
aɪ dəʊnt kεə (əˈbaʊt ɪt)ˌ aɪ dəʊnt gɪv ə dæm!
Je dosť času.
There is enough time.
ðεə ɪz ɪˈnʌf taɪm
Je veľa vecí...
There are many things...
ðεə ɑː ˈmεnɪ θɪŋz
Nebyť jeho...
Were it not for him..., If (it were) not for him...
wɜː ɪt nɒt fə hɪmˌ ɪf (ɪt wɜː) nɒt fə hɪm
Byť na tvojom mieste/tebou...
If I were you...
ɪf aɪ wɜː juː
Bolo to dávno.
It was a long time ago.
ɪt wɒz ə lɒŋ taɪm əˈgəʊ
Už si tu/tam niekedy bol?
Have you been here/there before?
hæv juː bɪn hɪə/ðεə bɪˈfɔː?
Buďte tam včas!
Be there on time!
biː ðεə ɒn taɪm!
Budem tam.
I will be there.
aɪ wɪl biː ðεə
Bude to ťažké?
Will it be hard?
wɪl ɪt biː hɑːd?
Kto bude budúcim prezidentom?
Who is going to be the next president?
huː ɪz ˈgəʊɪŋ tə biː ðə nεkst ˈprεzɪdənt?
Budú problémy.
There will be problems.
ðεə wɪl biː ˈprɒbləmz
Sú nejaké voľné stoličky?
Are there any free chairs?
ɑː ðεə ˈεnɪ friː tʃεəz?
Niečo s tým je. (v neporiadku)
Something is wrong with it.
ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪz rɒŋ wɪθ ɪt
Je po všetkom/koniec.
It is over., It's over.
ɪt ɪz ˈəʊvəˌ ɪts ˈəʊvə
Spolu je to šesť.
It makes six in all.
ɪt meɪks sɪks ɪn ɔːl
Nie je nič lepšie, ako...
There is nothing like...
ðεə ɪz ˈnʌθɪŋ laɪk
Som rád.
I am glad., I'm glad.
aɪ əm glædˌ aɪm glæd
Bude tu čakať auto.
A car will be waiting here.
ə kɑː wɪl biː weɪtɪŋ hɪə
Čo je? (čo sa deje?)
What's going on?, What's the matter?, What's up?
wɒts ˈgəʊɪŋ ɒn?ˌ wɒts ðə ˈmætə?ˌ wɒts ʌp?
Bol som premočený do nitky.
I was soaked/drenched to the skin.
aɪ wɒz səʊkt/ˈdrεntʃt tə ðə skɪn
Bol z nej úplne paf. (zaľúbený)
She swept him off his feet.
ʃɪ swεpt hɪm ɒf hɪz fiːt
Ja som skôr na klasickú hudbu.
I'm more into classical music.
aɪm mɔː ˈɪntə ˈklæsɪkl ˈmjuːzɪk
Na to ja nie som. (nie je to nič pre mňa)
I'm not cut out for this.
aɪm nɒt kʌt aʊt fə ðɪs
Je tam toho!
(iron.) Big deal!
bɪg diːl!
Je na podpore. (v nezamestnanosti)
He's on the dole.
hiːz ɒn ðə dəʊl
Býval som tuhý fajčiar.
I used to be a heavy smoker.
aɪ juːzd tə biː ə ˈhεvɪ ˈsməʊkə