way, (vozovka ap.) road, (cestovanie) journey
Musíme sa spýtať na cestu.
We must ask directions.
Mohli by ste mi ukázať cestu?
Could you show me the way?
Už som na ceste.
I'm on the/my way.
aɪm ɒn ðə/maɪ weɪ
Cestou domov som nakúpil.
On my way home I did some shopping.
Z cesty! (urobte miesto)
Make way!
Ako dlho trvá cesta do mesta?
How long does it take to get to the town?
Cesta trvá hodinu. (jazda)
The journey takes one hour., It's a one hour trip.
Skrátime si cestu.
We'll take a shortcut.
Mám to po ceste.
It's on my way.
Tadiaľto cesta nevedie!
This is not the way.
Šťastnú cestu!
Have a safe journey!, Have a good/safe trip!
hæv ə seɪf ˈdʒɜːnɪ!ˌ hæv ə gʊd/seɪf trɪp!
zlatá stredná cesta
the golden mean, middle course
ðə ˈgəʊldən miːnˌ ˈmɪdl kɔːs
cesta okolo sveta
around the world tour, travel around the world
stáť v ceste komu/čomu
be in sb's way
biː ɪn weɪ
pravidlá cestnej premávky
traffic rules, (BrE) Highway Code
ˈtræfɪk ruːlzˌ ˈhaɪˌweɪ kəʊd
vedľajšia cesta
side road
saɪd rəʊd