take, (prijímať) accept
Beriem to. (dohodnuté)
It is a deal., Done deal.
Beriem to. (idem do toho)
I am in., I am game.
Neberte mi to.
Don't take it away from me.
Neber to/ju so sebou.
Don't take it/her with you.
dəʊnt teɪk ɪt/hə wɪθ juː
Kde sa tu berieš?
How did you get here?
Berte si (sušienky)!
Help yourselves (to some biscuits)!
Berie drogy?
Does he take drugs?
Berieš tabletky na spanie?
Are you taking sleeping pills?
Neberiem stopárov.
I don't pick up hitchhikers.
Berú? (ryby)
Any bite?, Are they biting?
ˈεnɪ baɪt?ˌ ɑː ðeɪ ˈbaɪtɪŋ?
Koľko berieš mesačne?
How much do you make a month?
Prečo neberieš do úvahy...
Why don't you take into consideration...
waɪ dəʊnt juː teɪk ˈɪntə kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən
Beriem to na vedomie.
Duly noted!, I (will) bear that in mind.
ˈdjuːlɪ ˈnəʊtɪd!ˌ aɪ (wɪl) bεə ðæt ɪn maɪnd
Zodpovednosť beriem na seba.
I assume the responsibility.
Kde berieš tú drzosť...
How dare you ...
haʊ dεə juː
Berieš to príliš vážne.
You take it too seriously.
Neber si to príliš k srdcu/tak.
Take it easy!
Musíš to brať s rezervou.
You have to take it with a pinch of salt.
Ber to s nadhľadom.
Rise above it.
Berú to ako samozrejmosť, že...
They take it for granted that...
ðeɪ teɪk ɪt fə ˈgrɑːntɪd ðæt
Nemal by si to brať doslova.
You shouldn't take it literally.
Mal by si brať ohľady na...
You should make allowances for...
juː ʃʊd meɪk əˈlaʊənsɪz fə
Vôbec na nás nebral ohľady.
He was very inconsiderate to us., He showed no consideration for us.
hɪ wɒz ˈvεrɪˌɪnkənˈsɪdərɪt tə əsˌ hɪ ʃəʊd nəʊ kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən fə əs
Ber tú tašku a ideme.
Grab the bag and let's go.
Neber mi to.
Don't take it away from me.
Neber úplatky!
Don't take bribes!
Ber alebo nechaj tak.
Take it or leave it.
Berú sa o týždeň. (majú sobáš)
They are getting married in a week.
Beriem hodiny angličtiny.
I take English lessons.
Ber, kde sa dá.
No matter what the source.
Neber ma za slovo.
Don't take me at my word.
Ber život z tej lepšej stránky.
Look on the bright side of life.
brať si koho za muža/ženu
marry sb , get married to sb
ˈmærɪˌ gεt ˈmærɪd