báť sa
čoho be afraid/scared of sth , fear sth , (obávať sa) worry about sth
Neboj sa! (nemaj strach)
Don't be afraid!, Don't be scared!
Neboj sa! (nerob si starosti)
Don't worry!
Bál som sa o teba.
I was worried about you., I feared for you.
Nebojím sa ťa.
I am not scared of you.
Nebojte sa spýtať.
Don't be afraid to ask., Feel free to ask.
Niet sa čoho báť.
There is nothing to be afraid of., There is nothing to fear.
Čoho sa bojíš?
What are you afraid of?
Bál sa vrátiť.
He feared going back.
Bojí sa, že to stratím.
He's afraid I will lose it.
hiːz əˈfreɪd aɪ wɪl luːz ɪt
Hrozne sa bojí pavúkov.
She is terrified of spiders.
Netreba sa báť.
There's no need to worry., There's no need to be afraid.
ðεəz nəʊ niːd tə ˈwʌrɪˌ ðεəz nəʊ niːd tə biː əˈfreɪd
Kto sa bojí, nesmie do lesa.
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.