
Preložte. Všímajte si použitie slov could, should a ought to.

1 Could you wait a minute?
2 How could he know that?
3 He should look after her.
4 You shouldn't eat so much.
5 How should I know?
6 Why should he help us?
7 Who should I turn to?
8 Don't tell him! - Why shouldn't I?
9 They ought to be careful.
10 We ought not to forget that.
11 It shouldn't take long.
12 Why couldn't they do it?
13 What else should we bring?
14 Who else could do it?
15 Could I have another beer?
16 Shouldn't he get another chance?

Pozor na slova other ˈʌðə a another əˈnʌðə! Obe znamenajú ďalší či iný. Another sa ale viaže iba k jednotnému číslu počítateľných podstatných mien a vyjadruje dodatočnosť či odlišnosť. Napr.: another beer, another week, another time (niekedy inokedy) ap. Other sa spája s množným číslom a nepočítateľnými podstatnými menami a znamená ostatní (zostávajúci). Napr.: other people, other things, other information ap. Another netvorí zápor s no ani otázku s any a treba potom namiesto neho použiť slovo other. Napr.: There's no other way., Is there any other way? ap. Zámeno (the) others ˈʌðəz znamená (tí) ostatní, druhí (v skupine ap.)

Odpovedzte na otázky podľa obrázka.

Exercise 2
1 How many people in the picture have dark hair?
2 Is the tall man young or old?
3 What colour is the cap of the blonde woman?
4 Does the man in black jacket have a beard?
5 Is the man wearing a watch tall or short?
6 Who's wearing glasses?
7 Is the woman on the left wearing high heels?
8 What colour is the short dress of woman no. 4?
9 Who's the shortest in the picture?
10 Who's wearing a long white sweater?
11 Are the trousers of the woman in the middle blue?
12 Which woman is wearing a shirt?
13 How many people are wearing something around their neck?

Termín trousers je britský. V americkej angličtine sú nohavice pants pænts. Pozor! V britskej angličtine sú ale pants (pánske) spodky.

Preložte pomocou should. Využite pomôcky.

1 Nemal by si mu veriť.
2 Mám to otvoriť?
3 Prečo by som mal zostávať doma?
stay at home
4 To by nemal byť problém.
(no) problem
5 Mal by byť naspäť o desať minút.
be back
6 Mali by sme sa poponáhľať.
7 Nemal by jej to dávať.
give, to her
8 Malo by to byť omnoho lacnejšie.
much cheaper

Povedzte pomocou should, čo by mal niekto v danej situácii robiť.

1 John gets up at 7 and is usually late for school. get up, early
2 Bob and Jane are late. hurry up
3 Frank drinks too much alcohol. not, drink so much
4 He doesn't help his mum very much. help, more
5 His parents don't have enough money. work, harder
6 Jane wants to go there alone. not, alone
7 Bob often forgets to wash his hands. not forget
8 Eve is still sleeping. somebody, wake up
9 Jack mustn't know about that! nobody, tell
10 The TV is broken. somebody, repair
11 The kids watch TV every day. not, watch TV, so often
12 The phone is ringing. I, pick it up?

Preložte. Všímajte si použitie podmienkových viet a časov.

1 If I see her, I'll tell her.
2 He'll be fat if he eats too much.
3 You won't get there unless you have a ticket.
4 Don't buy it unless you really need it.
5 If I have time, I'll come.
6 He won't do it unless we help him.
7 He'll do it if you ask him.
8 If he finds out, he'll be angry.
9 You shouldn't enter unless they tell you.
10 If she comes, I'll call you.
11 I won't buy it unless it costs less than 20 dollars.
12 He won't make enough money unless he works twelve hours a day.

Doplňte správne slovo.

1 Is she tall? Yes, she is a head than me!
2 She eats nor drinks and she looks tired.
3 Either you call him I'll do it.
4 She speaks neither English Spanish.
5 Do you wear glasses? Yes, but I'm not them today.
6 It's freezing today. The temperature is zero.
7 You'd ask somebody if you don't know.
8 It's too hard for her. I think that we help her.
9 It's too late. We'd go now.
10 How come there were no women the guests?

Naučte sa užitočné ustálené spojenie: How come? Po slovensky znamená: Ako to?

Preložte podmienkové súvetia - zero conditional. Využite pomôcky.

1 Ak to vieš, tak to povedz! know, say
2 Ak to chce, nech mi zavolá. want, let, call
3 Ak máte záujem, dajte mi vedieť. be interested, let know
4 Ak si hladný, tak sa najedz. be hungry, eat something
5 Ak potrebujú peniaze, nech požiadajú rodičov. need money, ask their parents
6 Keď sa poponáhľaš, stihneš to. hurry, you, can make it
7 Keď dosť nespíš, cítiš sa unavený. not sleep enough, feel tired
8 Ak ti nie je dobre, choď k doktorovi. not feel well, go to the doctor's
9 Keď veľa ješ, tak tlstneš. eat too much, get fat

Get fat znamená stlstnúť, stučnieť - stať sa tlstým (fat je tlstý, ale tiež tučný).

Spojte súvisiace výroky do podmienkových súvetí.

  • 1 If you're cold,
  • 2 Don't eat it
  • 3 If he's still sleeping,
  • 4 She should have a rest
  • 5 If he needs to speak to her,
  • 6 We should hurry up
  • 7 If you don't know,
  • 8 You'll be tired,
  • a you should wake him up.
  • b if she feels tired.
  • c you should get dressed.
  • d if you don't like it.
  • e if we want to catch the bus.
  • f ask somebody.
  • g if you don't sleep enough.
  • h he should call her.

Vyberte vhodnú predložku.

1 I'll wait on/for/at you on/at/to the airport.
2 What can you see on/in/to the photo?
3 He went at/to/for work but I'm still on/in/at bed.
4 She isn't used at/for/to working hard.
5 We'll meet before/beside/outside the shop.
6 I'm leaving for/to/at work in ten minutes.
7 He's usually at/in/on home among/between/behind 4 and 8 p.m.
8 Don't sit at/on/in the floor. Let's sit at/to/next that table.
9 I won't be on/at/to work tomorrow.
10 Is it far from here? No, It's just over/around/behind the corner.
11 I couldn't see her between/among/from the other students.
12 Temperatures will be over/above/beyond zero.
13 She stood on/by/to the window. I could see her from outside.
14 There's somebody past/behind/beyond the door. I can hear it.
15 Only children above/beyond/over 15 years old can go there.

Slovo over je aj prídavné meno a tvorí dôležité ustálené spojenie be over - skončiť, byť na konci. Napr.: It's (all) over. - “Je po všetkom., Je koniec.” ap.

Povedzte po anglicky. Dajte pozor na správne predložky.

1 Idem do práce.
2 O koľkej odchádzaš do školy?
3 Frank je stále v práci.
4 Budem u mamy.
5 Daj to do auta.
6 Vytiahni to z tašky.
7 Vonku je pod nulou.
8 Môžem sedieť medzi vami?
9 Bob zajtra odchádza do Londýna.
10 Môžem si sadnúť vedľa teba?
11 Aký je medzi nimi rozdiel?
12 Čo je za týmito dverami?
13 Sú medzi nimi nejaké deti?
14 Žijú mimo mesto.
15 Choďte až za most a odbočte vľavo.

Rozumiete tomuto citátu?: Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them. (Môžete použiť slovník - once tu znamená keď) Viete, kto je jeho autorom?

Doplňte správnu predložku.

1 The bus is in front of the car, so the car is the bus.
2 If he isn't inside the house, he must be (the house).
3 My mum is still work and my brother is school.
4 If there are 20 people. There won't be enough room.
5 Do you mind if I sit next you?
6 What is the difference them?
7 Take it of the bags and put it the car.
8 You can get inside that door.
9 I couldn't see her all the people. She's very short.
10 I hope that the problems are us now. I'm tired of it.

Slová inside a outside sú v angličtine aj príslovky vnútri a vonku.


1 Ak máš strach, zostaň doma.
2 Ak to pošle, dám ti vedieť.
3 Nerob to, pokiaľ ti nepoviem.
4 Bude nahnevaná, ak tam pôjdeš.
5 Čo budeme robiť, ak John nepríde?
6 Kto to urobí, keď ona odíde?
7 Ak nebude pršať, pôjdeme von.
8 Keď budeš veľa jesť, budeš tučný.
9 Pokiaľ to bude možné, urobím to.
10 Kúpim mu psa, pokiaľ sa o neho bude starať.

Doplňte can, could alebo should.

1 It's ten to six. The bus by mal be here in ten minutes.
2 John knows that. He by mohol help you.
3 He was old and nemohol get up.
4 It's dangerous. Children by nemali use it.
5 She's too young. Someone by mal help her.
6 I really don't like him. I nemôžem stand him.
7 Children môžu cause problems.
8 We need help. Who by sme sa mali we turn to?
9 We'll all be there. Will you môcť come?
10 How long will it take? – It nemalo by take long.


1 Mohli by ste mi to poslať?
2 Budem doma o šiestej (večer).
3 Bolo to včera v televízii.
4 Nemal by si tu fajčiť.
5 Mohol by som sa k vám pridať?
6 To by nemal byť problém.
7 Mal byť späť medzi 6. a 7.
8 Mal by som už radšej ísť.
9 Mal by si byť opatrnejší.
10 Mali by s tým niečo robiť.
11 Má na sebe červené šaty. (ona)
12 Nosíte okuliare?
13 Som zvyknutý na skoré vstávanie.
14 Buď mu to povieš ty alebo ja!
15 Ako sa vám to páčilo?
16 Nezaujímam sa o autá.
17 Choďte hore po schodoch.
18 Pripadalo mi to celkom zaujímavé.

Termínom handsome ˈhændsəm, ktorým naznačujeme príjemné, ostré rysy, označujeme hlavne mužov. V spojitosti so ženami a deťmi sa používa skôr pretty ˈprɪtɪ (pekný), alebo silnejšie beautiful ˈbjuːtɪfəl (krásny), pretože naznačujú jemné rysy. Oboma výrazmi možno označiť i veci, miesta ap. Attractive əˈtræktɪv (príťažlivý) a good-looking gʊdˈlʊkɪŋ (pekný) sa vzťahuje ako na mužov, tak aj na ženy.

Spojenie: by my watch znamená: podľa mojich hodiniek (je toľko hodín.) My watch is slow. znamená: Idú mi pozadu hodinky. (slow - pomalý) Naopak: My watch is fast. je: Hodinky mi idú dopredu. (fast - rýchly)