
Čítajte nahlas a preložte. Všímajte si stavbu anglickej vety a tvary slovies.

1 Ask her to call me.
2 Tell them not to wait for me.
3 She has no time for that.
4 John lives in a small flat.
5 He works the whole week.
6 He always gets up early.
7 He starts work at eight.
8 Jane doesn't know anything.
9 My dad tries to keep fit.
10 Does she love him?
11 She sleeps long on Sundays.
12 Do they come here often?
13 What does it mean?
14 It means nothing.
15 What does she look like?
16 He doesn't have any money.
17 Take my advice!
18 Take it easy.
19 I'll take care of it.
20 How do you say it in English?

Hovoriť po anglicky je speak English, ale Povedz to po anglicky. je Say it in English. (teda v angličtine) What do you call it in English? - Ako tomu hovoríte po anglicky?

Doplňte správne tvary slovies v jednoduchom prítomnom čase.

1 My brother have no friends.
2 She work all day.
3 Where they live?
4 What he know about it?
5 Where he work?
6 Who know her name?
7 The bus not stop there.
8 Mark study every day.
9 How often you go there?
10 Jane go shopping often.
11 My father try to learn English.
12 How much it cost?

How much does it cost? je formálnejšou obdobou frázy How much is it?

Spojte súvisiace výroky.

  • 1 She works all the time.
  • 2 He knows her number.
  • 3 What time do you get up?
  • 4 John exercises every day.
  • 5 What does she want from me?
  • 6 Do you like this colour?
  • 7 How does Bob help his mum?
  • 8 Do they meet often?
  • a I get up at about seven.
  • b He tries to keep fit.
  • c She never takes a break.
  • d Why doesn't he call her?
  • e No, I prefer light colours.
  • f He does the shopping.
  • g Only once or twice a year.
  • h She wants you to help her.

Tvorte zo slov kladné a záporné oznamovacie vety v jednoduchom prít. čase.

1 I, understand, you
2 John, sleep, long
3 Jane, work, every day
4 They, make, a lot of money
5 He, walk, to school
6 My sister, like, animals
7 His father, try, keep fit
8 Our dog, eat, meat
9 Jack, see, her often
10 My mum, know, about it
11 It, cost, a lot of money.
12 We, have, two flats.
13 My sister, have, a pet.
14 Bob, go there, every day.
15 He, do it, regularly.
16 It, take place, every month.

Tvorte zo slov otázky v jednoduchom prítomnom čase.

1 where, she, work
2 how much, it cost
3 who, speak English here
4 your brother, still study
5 how often, your dog eat
6 she, need help
7 how, she help, her mother
8 what, he like, to read
9 children, drink beer
10 he, like sports
11 they, watch TV, every night
12 how many words, I, have to learn

Doplňte vhodné slová.

1 How do you eat? – I eat only twice a day.
2 Is this your first here? - Yes it's my first stay.
3 Does he speak any foreign ? - Yes he speaks Russian.
4 How does it cost? - I care about that.
5 How often do you meet her? – Three a week.
6 What time do you for work?
7 What does he like? - He's very tall.
8 Do you breakfast at home?
9 The bus runs once hour.
10 Mark swimming twice a week.
11 Do you know about her? – I know nothing.

Tvorte otázky. Pýtajte sa na zvýraznené slová.

1 She goes there every day.
2 Jane helps Bob.
3 I don't like cats.
4 I go to work by bus.
5 Dogs eat meat.
6 There are ten people there.
7 I drink 1 glass of milk a day.
8 I don't eat meat.
9 I exercise twice a week.
10 I like to drink beer.
11 He watches TV on Fridays.
12 She loves dogs.
13 They don't understand me.
14 Bob walks his dog in the evening.

Tvorte z kladných viet vety záporné. Použite skrátené tvary.

1 She speaks English.
2 He knows about it.
3 I care about her.
4 Bob has a lot of money.
5 They understand it.
6 His sister loves dogs.
7 I often watch films.
8 They usually walk to work.
9 I can wait for you.
10 She needs our help.
11 The car costs too much.
12 He goes there often.
13 I think so.

Pozor! Na vyjadrenie slovenskej otázky: Myslíš? či Myslíte? treba použiť frázu so slovom so na konci, teda: Do you think so?

Preložte. Využite nápovedu.

1 John má rád zvieratá. animal
2 Jane miluje čokoládu. chocolate
3 Každý deň hrám tenis. tennis
4 Hovorí len o tebe. (ona) speak
5 Ten pes robí hluk. make noise
6 Je mi to jedno. care
7 Deti nepijú pivo. drink beer
8 Má dve sestry. (on) have
9 Ona o tom vie. know about
10 Čo to znamená? mean
11 Na tom nezáleží. matter
12 Jane tam chodí každý deň. every
13 Bob to hovorí zakaždým. every time
14 Musí skoro vstávať. (on) get up

Nezabudnite, že zápor must not znamená nesmieť (zákaz). Slovenské Nemusíš... ale treba preložiť použitím opisného You don't have to ... alebo tiež ako You needn't ... (doslova Nepotrebuješ...).

Vypočujte si nahrávku a odpovedzte na otázky.

1 Does John get up before seven?
2 What does Frank do on Fridays?
3 Does Jane know Frank's number?
4 What does John do in the morning?
5 How often does Bob go swimming?
6 When does Mark take a shower?
7 What time does Jane return?
8 Does Bob have a lot of time?

Upravte vety z prítomného priebehového času do jednoduchého prítomného času. Všimnite si zmeny vo význame vety.

1 She's going home by bus.
2 I'm waiting for him at home.
3 Our dog is sleeping outside.
4 Are you watching TV?
5 She's working hard.
6 Are they speaking English?
7 My dad is making dinner.
8 The kids are making noise.
9 Bob is leaving for work at six.
10 He's writing with his left hand.

Predložka with sa používa aj na navodenie 7. pádu - čím (pomocou nástroja) ap.

Doplňte správne tvary slovies. Rozlišujte čas priebehový a jednoduchý.

1 I usually sleep long, but today I get up early.
2 A man wait for you. – you, know him?
3 We go out tonight. – you, want to join us?
4 he, work here? – No, he wait for somebody.
5 She sleep. not wake her!
6 he know about it? No. He call to ask me.
7 she come with us? No, she have no time.
8 I watch a film but I not like it much.
9 She usually visit her mum on Sundays, but this week she visit her on Friday.

Tvorte zo slov rozkazovacie vety s účelovým infinitívom to.

1 ask, she, come
2 tell, they, send it
3 stay here, hear it
4 bring it, she see it
5 tell, he, not, go there
6 be quiet, so as not, wake, she
7 ask, they, not, do it
8 try, not, break it
9 ask, he, not, tell them
10 write, she, come

Odpovedzte celou vetou podľa pomôcok.

1 How often do you exercise? 3x, week
2 How often does he do it? 4x, month
3 How often does she eat? 5x, day
4 Do you meet often? 2x, year
5 How often do the buses run? 1x, every hour
6 How many hours do you sleep? 8 hours, day
7 Does Mark go there every day? no, only 1x, week
8 How much money will we need? 3x, as much
9 How many friends does she have now? 2x, as many
10 How much does he drink? not, as much as I

Povedzte po anglicky.

1 Hovoríte po anglicky?
2 On nehovorí po anglicky.
3 Neviem.
4 Nerozumiem vám.
5 Ona vždy chodí neskoro.
6 Súhlasíte?
7 Mark chce s tebou hovoriť.
8 Čo chce? (on)
9 Chodím tam trikrát týždenne.
10 On nemá veľa času.
11 John to vraví často.
12 Ona mi neverí.
13 Máš nejaké peniaze?
14 Stojí to príliš veľa.
15 Nerozbi to!
16 Nič si z toho nerob.
17 Daj na mňa!
18 Ako vyzerá? (on)
19 Ona má dva byty.
20 Kde bývaš?

Pozor na možnú odlišnú výslovnosť slova live. Vo význame žiť sa vyslovuje lɪv, ale ako prídavné meno živý ap. sa vyslovuje laɪv!

A flat ako byt je termín z britskej angličtiny. V americkej angličtine sa bežne užíva apartment əˈpɑːtmənt. Viac pozri britská vs. americká angličtina v Lekcii 19.