

1 It's good to see you.
2 You look good.
3 I feel sorry for you.
4 Is this your child?
5 These are our children.
6 Can you help me?
7 Can I have a drink?
8 How many men are there?
9 This isn't my luggage.
10 How much is it?
11 What colour is his car?
12 He's six feet tall.
13 He has no hands.
14 There's a lot of time.
15 There are no people here.
16 She has few friends.
17 He's a good friend of mine.
18 I need a little help.
19 That's my sister's car.
20 I'm at my brother's (place).

Privlastňovací pád možno použiť s predložkou at (u), keď hovoríme o mieste, kde je niekto doma ap.. Napr.: at my brother's (place) - u môjho brata, at my friend's (place) - u kamaráta, at John's (place) - u Johna

Doplňte anglicky správne tvary podstatných mien.

1 I have many priateľov.
2 I need some informácie.
3 There are three muži and four ženy.
4 We have two deti. They have no zuby.
5 My brother is six stôp tall.
6 There are five ľudí.
7 He speaks three jazyky.
8 dámy and páni!
9 It's in your rukách.
10 He has two manželky.

Tvar množného čísla sa užíva s určitým členom aj v priezviskách rodín. Napr.: The Browns - Brownovi, The Johnsons - Johnsonovi ap.

Spojte súvisiace výroky.

  • 1 What colour is grass?
  • 2 How many people are there?
  • 3 Can you help me?
  • 4 Is this your car?
  • 5 John is a learner of English.
  • 6 Are those your kids?
  • 7 Have you got any pets?
  • 8 Sorry, I have to go now.
  • a Yes, what can I do for you?
  • b No, it isn't mine.
  • c I've got a dog and two cats.
  • d Yes, they're ours.
  • e There are few of them.
  • f It's green.
  • g Have a nice day!
  • h He studies hard.

Slovo nice sa používa vo význame pekný hlavne o veciach a javoch! U osôb znamená skôr milý alebo sympatický. Napr.: He's a nice man. - Je to milý pán.

Doplňte podľa kontextu tvary: there is, there are, is there, are there.

1 a man there.
2 any coffee?
3 no people here.
4 any problems?
5 no money here.
6 a book there?
7 How many kids ?
8 no time.
9 any money?
10 no information.
11 so many problems.
12 Why so many people?

Slovo so (tak), možno použiť na konci anglickej vety za slovesom vo význame nášho: ..., že áno. Napr.: I hope so. - Dúfam, že áno., I'm afraid so. - Obávam sa, že áno. Používa sa teda ako opak nám už známeho not (..., že nie). Napr.: I hope not. - Dúfam, že nie., I'm afraid not. - Obávam sa, že nie. ap.

Vyberte správne tvary ukazovacích zámen.

1 Who are this/that/those people there?
2 I like that/these/this parrots here.
3 Is these/this/those your car?
4 Are this/these/that books yours?
5 Who's those/that/these man?
6 These/This/Those money is mine!
7 Who are that/those/this men?
8 Is those/this/these your book?
9 Those/This/These is not my luggage.
10 Is that/these/those the time?
11 Can you see this/those/that children?

Pozor! Slovesá zmyslového vnímania ako see siː (vidieť), hear hɪə (počuť), feel fiːl (cítiť) sa často spájajú so slovesom can. Napr. Can you see it? - Vidíš to?, I can't see it. - Nevidím to. Anglicky teda doslova: “Môžeš to vidieť?”, “Nemôžem to vidieť.”

Napíšte čísla, ktoré si vypočujete. Potom ich po sebe prečítajte.


Dajte slová do množného čísla a prečítajte celé číselné údaje.

1 6 foot tall
2 43 bus
3 300 house
4 78 baby
5 124 child
6 65 woman
7 32 tooth
8 3,670 car
9 85,000 dollar
10 7 million man
11 7.5 thousand
12 15.79 million
13 hundred of people
14 thousand of leaf
15 dozen of city
16 ten of thousand of man

Pozor! V angličtine sa namiesto desatinnej čiarky používa desatinná bodka - point, ale naša desatinná čiarka sa tam bežne používa v číslovkách na oddelenie rádov tisícok. Napr.: 6,745,000 - six million seven hundred and forty-five thousand.

Doplňte much alebo many.

1 There are people.
2 How is it? - 10 dollars. - That's not .
3 He has got friends but no children.
4 That's too money.
5 There aren't children.
6 There isn't time.
7 How women are there?
8 They have (got) kids.
9 We have too luggage.
10 There isn't information.
11 There are too problems.

Tvorte privlastňovanie pomocou privlastňovacieho pádu '(s), s' a predložky of.

1 his sister, book
2 the boy, car
3 my friend, wife
4 our friends, pets
5 their children, friends
6 my brother, car
7 their pet, name
8 John Brown, cat
9 my parents, house
10 our boys, friends

Doplňte podľa uvedených osôb správne tvary privlastňovacích zámen.

1 Is she he friend?
2 How old is you dog?
3 Are these books you?
4 She brother knows.
5 This money isn't she.
6 This is I money.
7 He's a friend of I.
8 Those kids are they.
9 This is we house.
10 I like she sister.
11 These children aren't we.
12 Are those they pets?
13 The kids aren't she.

Vyberte vhodné slovo.

1 What name/colour/day is it? - It's red.
2 She has short big/dark/tall hair.
3 Yellow is a light/small/tall colour.
4 What colour is grass? It's black/green/blue.
5 My brother six foot/feet/foots tall.
6 Is it small? No, it's too light/dark/big.
7 These photos are old. They're black and blue/red/white.
8 He has high/few/lot friends.
9 I need a lot/few/little help.
10 He's short but she's little/tall/light.

Spojenie be short of ... znamená mať nedostatok... (čoho). Napr.: They are short of money. - Nemajú dosť peňazí., I'm short of time. - Mám málo času.

Doplňte preklady viet.

1 Nebojím sa. I'm not .
2 Sú tu chlapci? Are the here?
3 Je mi jej ľúto. I feel for .
4 Rád ťa vidím. It's good to .
5 Nie je to pravda! That's not !
6 Je tam veľa ľudí. There are of people.
7 Mám príliš málo peňazí. I have too money.
8 Je to v tvojich rukách. It's in your .
9 Potrebujem pár vecí. I need a things.

Preložte. Využite nápovedu.

1 Som pripravený. ready
2 Nie je to ťažké. hard
3 On je so mnou. with
4 Ste šťastní? happy
5 Ona nemá čas. no time
6 Musíš si odpočinúť. rest
7 Mám pravdu? be right
8 Mýliš sa. be wrong
9 Bob ju pozná. know
10 Máme radi našich susedov. like
11 Ona sa mi páči.; Mám ju rad. like

Sloveso like možno použiť na preklad slovenského páčiť sa. Treba však mať na pamäti, že oproti slovenčine sa tu obracia podmet a predmet! Napr.: Páči sa mi to. - I like it. (Mám to rád.), Páčiš sa jej. - She likes you. ap.

Doplňte správne tvary zámen.

1 These are our kids. - These kids are .
2 This is my car. - This car is .
3 That's her kid. - That kid is .
4 This is their dog. - This dog is .
5 Is she your friend? - Is she a friend of ?
6 That's their boy. - That's the boy of .
7 It's our cat. - It's a cat of .
8 That's his book. - That book is .

Slovo textbook (učebnica) je zložené zo slov text + book (teda kniha textov). Course book je učebnica do jazykového kurzu (course kɔːs - kurz).

Doplňte vhodné slovo.

1 is that? - That's my friend.
2 What is their house? - It's yellow.
3 are they? - They're there.
4 How money is there? - There's no money.
5 you happy? - No, I'm sad.
6 I feel sorry her. She needs help.
7 you got any pets? - Yes, I have a dog.
8 I'm . Can I have a drink?
9 I have no time. I'm in a .
10 Who's that ? - That's my wife.
11 his name? - His name is Bob.

Pozor na anglickú frázu: So what? Neznamená “Tak čo?”, ako by sa doslova zdalo, ale No a (čo)? (Čo má byť?). Podobný význam má What of it?. Slovenské Tak čo? (Ako to bude?) sa naopak najčastejšie preloží ako Well (then)? (Nuž teda?).

Napíšte vety, ktoré budete počuť. Sústreďte sa na výslovnosť znelého a neznelého anglického th - ð vs. θ.


Povedzte po anglicky.

1 Ona hovorí anglicky.
2 Vidíš (tam) tých ľudí?
3 Toto je moja manželka.
4 Toto sú naše deti.
5 Môj brat meria šesť stôp.
6 Sú tam nejaké deti?
7 Toto je tvoje auto?
8 Je nejaký problém?
9 Nie sú žiadne problémy.
10 Nie sú tu žiadne peniaze.
11 Nie je tam veľa ľudí.
12 V (tom) aute je pes.
13 On tu teraz nie je.
14 Sú tam stovky ľudí.
15 Môžeš mu to povedať?
16 Mám teraz veľa práce.
17 Nemáš pravdu.
18 Nie som hladný.
19 Môžete mi pomôcť?
20 Koľko to stojí?