
Preložte. Sústreďte sa na použitie gerundia a slovies, ktoré sa s ním spájajú.

1 Living with him isn't easy.
2 You must quit smoking.
3 I can't imagine working there.
4 I couldn't help laughing.
5 She loves travelling.
6 Your room needs cleaning.
7 Drinking alcohol is bad for you.
8 He won't mind you calling him.
9 I'm tired of listening to her.
10 She's afraid of asking for it.
11 Going there is a bad idea.
12 I'm interested in buying it.
13 Finding it was hard.
14 She keeps telling me that.

Keep (on) doing something znamená robiť niečo ďalej, alebo tiež robiť niečo neustále či opakovane. Napr. You must keep on trying. - “Musíš sa ďalej snažiť.”, He keeps asking me about it. - “Neustále sa ma na to pýta.” ap.

Upravte vety pomocou gerundia tak, aby sa zachoval ich význam.

1 John likes to swim in the sea.
2 It's good for kids to read.
3 It's dangerous to ski here.
4 Is it good to eat late at night?
5 She's afraid to fly.
6 It'll be better to go by car.
7 It'll be faster to use a key.
8 It's expensive to take a taxi.
9 It's hard to sleep in this noise.
10 It wasn't easy to find it.

Užitočná konštrukcia s gerundiom je: have a hard time ...ing - mať problémy s čím (ťažko zvládať). Napr.: I had a hard time finding it. - “Mal som čo robiť, aby som to našiel.”, I'm having a hard time understanding. - “Len ťažko rozumiem.”

Doplňte podľa kontextu sloveso v neurčitku alebo v gerundiu a preložte.

1 I will go run tomorrow morning.
2 He enjoys drive to work.
3 She helped me write the e-mail.
4 They love shop .
5 It's good see you.
6 We like watch TV.
7 He asked me come with him.
8 I hate wait .
9 We go swim every week.
10 I hope see you soon.

Skráťte výrok pomocou gerundia.

1 I enjoyed the time when I studied in London.
2 I hate it when I have to wait.
3 It'll be difficult to tell him.
4 She doesn't like it when I drink.
5 I hate it when he smokes here.
6 It's not much fun to sit at home.
7 She was bored when she waited there.
8 It isn't always faster to drive to work.

Sloveso drive síce znamená šoférovať (ovládať vozidlo), ale v niektorých kontextoch ho možno preložiť tiež ako ísť (autom) alebo zaviezť (autom). Napr.: I'll drive you there. - “Zaveziem ťa tam.”, We drove to town. - “Išli sme autom do mesta.” Drive tiež patrí medzi nepravidelné slovesá! (PT - drove drəʊv, PP - driven ˈdrɪvən.)

Preložte. Sústreďte sa na použitie prídavných mien.

1 He's a head taller than me.
2 She's two years older than me.
3 This month is one day longer.
4 He's one of the greatest ...
5 That's the stupidest idea of all!
6 They're much richer than us.
7 She's more intelligent than him.
8 I bought the cheapest car.
9 Chinese is harder than English.
10 It'll be more expensive.
11 I bought it at a lower price.
12 He wants the newest phone.
13 I know more interesting books.
14 What's the most important thing?
15 Will they be more satisfied?

Pri určovaní rozdielu o koľko je niekto väčší, menší ap. sa v angličtine nepoužíva predložka. Ak je však uvedený rozdiel až za prídavným menom, použije sa väčšinou predložka by. Napr. He's a head taller., ALE He's taller by a head.

Tvorte zo slov vety pomocou gerundia.

1 we, go, dance, tonight
2 you, like, read?
3 stop, talk!
4 I, hate, shop
5 He, enjoy, do sports
6 She, be afraid, lose it
7 go there alone, can be dangerous
8 He, prefer, stay at home.

Upravte vety z budúceho času do blízkej budúcnosti - be going to.

1 It will rain.
2 I will help you.
3 It will not be easy.
4 My dad will kill me.
5 Will you be there?
6 She will do the shopping.
7 What will happen?
8 I will not tell him.

Preložte použitím blízkej budúcnosti - be going to.

1 Zavolám mu.
2 Pošleš to?
3 Kto to pripraví?
4 Nikto ti nepomôže.
5 Vezmem ťa tam.
6 Neurobia to.
7 Ten ma zabije!
8 Čo sa stane?
9 Bude v poriadku? (on)
10 Čo budeme robiť?

Bežnú hovorovú frázu používajúcu blízku budúcnosť začujete typicky od čašníka či barmana: What's it gonna be? - slovensky teda “Čo to bude?” či “Čo si dáte?”

Spojte súvisiace výroky.

  • 1 The kids are hungry.
  • 2 Does he know about it?
  • 3 Two books are missing!
  • 4 Jack is still in bed.
  • 5 I'm going to call Jane.
  • 6 It's much more expensive.
  • 7 How long is it going to take?
  • 8 Who's going to prepare it?
  • a You're going to need more money.
  • b He's going to be late for school.
  • c I'll ask Frank to do it.
  • d About three hours or more.
  • e No, but I'm going to call him.
  • f I'm going to make dinner.
  • g Do you want me to ask her?
  • h I'm going to find them.

Tvorte zo slov vety v blízkej budúcnosti.

1 we, eat out, tonight
2 your parents, be there to?
3 I, leave you now
4 we, spend a week, abroad
5 who, make, dinner?
6 she; take you there
7 you, eat?
8 when, he, send it?

Doplňte do viet druhý či tretí stupeň adjektív. Zopakujte si ich význam.

1 I'm short than Bob. He's tall than me.
2 Jane looks happy than she did yesterday.
3 She looks like the happy person in the world.
4 He's smart and strong than he looks.
5 That isn't the bad thing.
6 What's the big animal in the world?
7 Pigs are intelligent than dogs.
8 London is the busy city in England.
9 You could buy it much cheap .
10 She is the beautiful girl I know.
11 It'll be good to wait for him.
12 I'm feeling much bad today.
13 Of course it looks small when you go far .
14 He always buys the expensive tickets.

Veľmi bežným prídavným menom používaným často v 3. stupni (superlatíve) je the latest ðəˈleɪtɪst. Najčastejšie znamená posledný, najnovší (verzia, správy ap.)

Vyberte správnu predložku.

1 I'll send it until/by/within four p.m.
2 She's going to leave within/till/by a few days.
3 We'll be back by/till/for next Monday.
4 She'll stay at home by/until/within four o'clock.
5 We need to know that by/until/within this Thursday.
6 They worked on it by/for/until a few days.
7 I want to have it ready within/by/till tomorrow.
8 We can't wait within/till/by tomorrow.
9 She was back within/by/until an hour.

Preložte pomocou väzby the ... the ... Využite pomôcky.

1 Čím väčšie auto, tým lepšie. big, car, good
2 Čím sú bohatší, tým viac chcú. rich, want
3 Čím dlhšie to čítam, tým je to zaujímavejšie. long, read, interesting
4 Čím je to nebezpečnejšie, tým menej sa mu to páči. dangerous, less, like
5 Čím viac ju poznám, tým ju mam radšej. know, like
6 Čím je starší, tým je obľúbenejší. old, popular
7 Čím viac času s ňou trávi, tým je šťastnejší. time, spend, happy
8 Čím je to ťažšie, tým viac času im to zaberie. hard, it, time, take
9 Čím menej má, tým je spokojnejší. (on) less, have, satisfied

Vyberte vhodné slovo.

1 Did you find the last/lost/late keys?
2 I found it! I was lucky/bored/busy.
3 He's very good, but I'm worse/better/less.
4 I don't find it interesting. I'm tired/interested/busy of it.
5 She's much taller then/that/than me.
6 Jane is the worst/most/best beautiful girl.
7 Have a rest. You look very strong/tired/smart.
8 The less it costs least/the/no better.
10 She's more/much/less smarter than you think.
11 Do you want to see it? - No, I'm not interesting/interested/important.
12 I'm looking before/after/forward to seeing you.
13 I've got to go. My battery is light/wrong/low.
14 The phone is ringing! - I'll take/have/get that!
15 Please do/make/quit sure that he gets there in time.
16 I don't understand it. It doesn't give/get/make sense.

Povedzte po anglicky. Sústreďte sa na tvary prídavných mien.

1 Môj brat je mladší než ja.
2 Ona je o hlavu vyšší než ty.
3 Táto cesta je omnoho kratšia.
4 Kto je najbohatší muž na svete?
5 Bude to ľahšie.
6 Teraz sme šťastnejší.
7 Toto je omnoho zaujímavejšie.
8 Ona je najlepšia.
9 To je ten najhorší nápad.
10 Ceny sú teraz omnoho vyššie.
11 Nepotrebujem to najdrahšie auto.
12 To nie je to najdôležitejšie.

Last but not least znamená v neposlednom rade (o niečom nemenej dôležitom)