Hi. Sorry, I'm late. I had a busy morning.
haɪ ˈsɒrɪ, aɪm leɪt aɪ hæd ə ˈbɪzɪ ˈmɔːnɪŋ
Ahoj. Prepáč. Mám oneskorení. Mal som toho ráno priveľa.
Hi, George. What took you so long?
haɪ, dʒɔːdʒ wɒt tʊk juː səʊ lɒŋ?
Ahoj, George. Čo ti tak trvalo?
I had to take my kids to school and I needed to do some shopping.
aɪ hæd tə teɪk maɪ kɪdz tə skuːl ænd aɪ niːdɪd tə dʊ sʌm ˈʃɒpɪŋ
Musel som odviezť deti do školy a niečo som potreboval nakúpiť.
Did you see Frank?
dɪd juː siː fræŋk?
Videl si Franka?
No, I didn't. Why are you asking?
nəʊ, aɪ ˈdɪd<sup>ə</sup>nt waɪ ɑː juː ɑːskɪŋ?
Nie, prečo sa pýtaš?
He was here half an hour ago.
hɪ wɒz hɪə hɑːf ən aʊə əˈgəʊ
Bol tu pred pol hodinou.
I didn't see him. What did he want?
aɪ ˈdɪd<sup>ə</sup>nt siː hɪm wɒt dɪd hɪ wɒnt?
Nestretol som ho. Čo chcel?
He wanted to talk to you, but you weren't here.
hɪ ˈwɒntɪd tə tɔːk tə juː, bət juː wɜːnt hɪə
Chcel s tebou hovoriť porozprávať, ale nebol si tu.
Why didn't he call me?
waɪ ˈdɪd<sup>ə</sup>nt hɪ kɔːl miː?
Prečo mi nezavolal?
He tried, but he couldn't reach you. So he came to talk to you face to face.
hɪ traɪd, bət hɪ ˈkʊd<sup>ə</sup>nt riːtʃ juː səʊ hɪ keɪm tə tɔːk tə juː feɪs tə feɪs
Skúšal to, ale nemohol ťa zastihnúť. A tak sa s tebou prišiel porozprávať osobne.
I didn't have my phone with me. I left it in the car. What was it about?
aɪ ˈdɪd<sup>ə</sup>nt hæv maɪ fəʊn wɪθ miː aɪ lεft ɪt ɪn ðə kɑː wɒt wɒz ɪt əˈbaʊt?
Nemal som pri sebe telefón. Nechal som ho v aute. O čo išlo?
Sorry, I don't know.
ˈsɒrɪ, aɪ dəʊnt nəʊ
Prepáč, to neviem.
Why didn't you ask him?
waɪ ˈdɪd<sup>ə</sup>nt juː ɑːsk hɪm?
Prečo si sa ho nespýtala?
I asked him but he didn't tell me. I think it was something urgent. He looked angry.
aɪ ɑːskt hɪm bət hɪ ˈdɪd<sup>ə</sup>nt tεl miː aɪ θɪŋk ɪt wɒz ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈɜːdʒənt hɪ lʊkt ˈæŋgrɪ
Ja som sa ho pýtala, ale nepovedal mi to. Asi to bolo niečo naliehavé. Vyzeral nahnevane.
Did he? So why didn't he wait for me?
dɪd hɪ? səʊ waɪ ˈdɪd<sup>ə</sup>nt hɪ weɪt fə miː?
Naozaj? Tak prečo na mňa nepočkal?
I guess he was in a hurry. He waited for a minute and then he left.
aɪ gεs hɪ wɒz ɪn ə ˈhʌrɪ hɪ weɪtɪd fə ə ˈmɪnɪt ænd ðεn hɪ lεft
Asi sa ponáhľal. Čakal minútu a potom jednoducho odišiel.
Are you sure he didn't say anything?
ɑː juː ʃʊə hɪ ˈdɪd<sup>ə</sup>nt seɪ ˈεnɪˌθɪŋ?
Určite nič nehovoril?
No, but he left a message on your desk. I promised to tell you about it. And he asked me to tell you to call him.
nəʊ, bət hɪ lεft ə ˈmεsɪdʒ ɒn jɔː dεsk aɪ ˈprɒmɪst tə tεl juː əˈbaʊt ɪt ænd hɪ ɑːskt miː tə tεl juː tə kɔːl hɪm
Nie, ale nechal ti na stole odkaz. Sľúbila som, že ti o tom poviem. A prosil ma, aby si mu zavolal.

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