
Čítajte nahlas a preložte. Všímajte si stavbu anglickej vety a tvary slovies.

1 She helped me.
2 We had no money.
3 Jane was here an hour ago.
4 Nobody knew about it.
5 I was single when we met.
6 I spoke with him yesterday.
7 Who told you that?
8 I thought so.
9 I saw him this morning.
10 We went dancing last night.
11 She left a few minutes ago.
12 I got no message from him.
13 Sorry, I couldn't come.
14 We had to stay there.
15 I wasn't able to find it.
16 He began to worry.
17 I found it in my pocket.
18 He broke his arm.

Všimnite si použitie anglického privlastňovacieho zámena na vyjadrenie slovenského si (niečo spôsobiť či urobiť sám sebe). Napr. She broke her leg. - Zlomila si nohu. (Zlomila svoju nohu.), He put it in his pocket. - Dal si to do vrecka., He broke his phone. - Rozbil si telefón., She tied her hair. - Zviazala si vlasy. ap.

Doplňte správne tvary slovesa be v jednoduchom minulom čase.

1 Where you last night?
2 I at work and they at home.
3 There no money and she angry.
4 you there too? No, I not.
5 Our parents not at home.
6 Their dog with them.
7 The children very happy.
8 My brother not there.
9 There parties every day.
10 Me and my sister afraid.

Pozor na rozdiel vo výslovnosti where a were! Where were you? wεəˈwɜːjuː

Spojte zodpovedajúce výroky.

  • 1 She knew about it.
  • 2 Where were you born?
  • 3 We spoke about you.
  • 4 I gave him some money.
  • 5 He bought a car.
  • 6 We spent two days there.
  • 7 I made a mistake.
  • 8 I wasn't at home.
  • a Hovorili sme o tebe.
  • b Dal som mu nejaké peniaze.
  • c Strávili sme tam dva dni.
  • d Nebol som doma.
  • e Urobil som chybu.
  • f Kúpil si auto.
  • g Kde si sa narodil?
  • h Vedela o tom.

Vyberte vhodné slovo.

1 She couldn't come. She brought/broke/bought her leg.
2 He had no money. I gave/gone/given him 20 dollars.
3 Did you walk? - No, we went/got/met by car.
4 What did he want? - He found/felt/came to speak to you.
5 Did you call him? - No, I spoke/sent/spent him a message.
6 When did he bring it? - He broke/brought/became it an hour ago.
7 Where did they get the money? - They spent/sat/sold their house.
8 Did she get the car from him? - No, she bought/thought/felt it.
9 They made/met/took on the bus and went/gave/became friends.

Pozor! Niektoré nepravidelné tvary bežných anglických slovies majú aj celkom iné významy. Napr. tvar saw je po slovensky aj podstatné meno píla, tvar thought je tiež myšlienka, tvar broke je aj prídavné meno znamenajúce na mizine, bez peňazí. Napr.: I'm broke. - Som na mizine., Som bez peňazí. Found je tvar slovesa find, ale tiež infinitív pravidelného slovesa, ktoré znamená založiť (organizáciu ap.) Môžete teda v minulom čase naraziť na tvar founded, ktorý však nie je tvarom slovesa find! Napr. He founded a city. - Založil mesto. ALE He found a city. - Našiel mesto.

Doplňte tvary slovies v jednoduchom minulom čase a prečítajte.

1 What did he want? - He to ask you something.
2 Did John bring those books? - No, I them.
3 Where did you go last night? - We swimming.
4 How did you get there? - I there by bus.
5 What time did they leave? - They at five.
6 When did you send it? - I it two hours ago.
7 How much money did you give her? - I her nothing.
8 What did you find? - I this.
9 Did you read it? - I it twice.
10 Who did you tell? - I nobody!
11 Did she know about it? - No, she nothing!
12 How long did it take? - It about two hours.
13 Did you buy any food? - No, I only milk.
14 What did they drink? - They beer.
15 Did Bob make this? - No, I it.
16 When did she come? - She at six p.m.
17 What time did you wake up? - I up at six o'clock.

Tvorte zo slov vety v jednoduchom minulom čase.

1 We, go there, yesterday.
2 she, call, you?
3 the children, be, good?
4 he, buy, her flowers.
5 who, bring, the books?
6 I, think so.
7 we, have to wait.
8 It, be cold?
9 She, leave, a minute ago.
10 When, he, call?
11 I, tell him about it.
12 Who, give you this?
13 I, cannot, get up.
14 she, lose, the money.

Spojte súvisiace výroky.

  • 1 Did he help you?
  • 2 How was your day?
  • 3 How much did you give her?
  • 4 Did you sleep well?
  • 5 Were his friends there too?
  • 6 Did you call her?
  • 7 How did they know?
  • 8 How long did it take?
  • a I gave her a hundred euros.
  • b I told them about it.
  • c No, they couldn't come.
  • d No, he had no time.
  • e Not bad. And yours?
  • f No. I only slept 3 hours.
  • g It took about three days.
  • h No, I sent her a message.

Spojenie not bad sa bežne užíva vo význame celkom dobré, ide to ap.

Napíšte neurčitky slovies, ktoré počujete použité vo vetách v minulom čase.


Doplňte správnu časovú predložku - before alebo ago.

1 Try to be there nine o'clock.
2 We spoke about it a week at my place.
3 Bob called me two days .
4 He arrived a few minutes me.
5 We visited the city three years .
6 I saw him two days his departure.
7 I never go to bed ten.
8 We met a long time .
9 How long was it?
10 I'll be back midnight.

Upravte vety z budúceho času do minulého. Všímajte si analógie.

1 She'll be there.
2 Bob will come alone.
3 They'll speak about us.
4 I'll send it to you.
5 You'll break it.
6 Jane will make dinner.
7 We'll go there together.
8 He'll give it to her.
9 Will they send it?
10 Will you go there?
11 When will she come?
12 I won't tell him!
13 Who will buy it?
14 I'll let him know.

Sloveso let má vo všetkých časoch rovnaký tvar, teda aj v minulom čase. Iba v čase prítomnom jednoduchom má s 3. osobou jednotného čísla tvar lets. Napr.: (minulý čas) She let him sleep. - Nechala ho spať., (prítomný čas jednoduchý) She lets him sleep. - Necháva ho spať. ap. Nezamieňajte však lets (pre 3. osobu) a výzvu let's - let us! Napr. Let's go!

Odpovedzte na otázky celou vetou podľa slov v pomôckach.

1 How did you go there? by car
2 When did he leave? an hour ago
3 When did you get up? at six
4 Who did you send it to? Bob
5 What did you buy? bananas
6 Where did you meet? on the bus
7 Did anybody call? nobody
8 Did they agree? no
9 How long did it take? 1 hour
10 Did Bob lose it? no, I
11 Did he make any mistakes? many
12 Did you get my message? no
13 What did he know? nothing
14 What did you speak about? you
15 What did he tell you? nothing
16 What did you drink? beer

Slovo drunk je 3. tvar (minulé príčastie - PP) slovesa drink, ale tiež prídavné meno opitý. Podobné je to s mnohými anglickými slovesami, napr. so slovesom break a jeho tvarom broken (rozbitý, zlomený), give - given (daný), find - found (nájdený), know - known (známy) či so slovesom go a tvarom gone. Spojenie be gone znamená byť preč. He's gone. - Je preč. (Odišiel.)

Tvorte otázky. Pýtajte sa na zvýraznené slová.

1 We left home at seven.
2 Jane went there alone.
3 We met at John's place.
4 John bought the drinks.
5 I spent the weekend at home.
6 We spoke about her.
7 We had a good time.
8 They sent it last week.
9 We got there by car.
10 We stayed in a hotel.

Preložte. Využite nápovedu.

1 Nechcel prísť. want to come
2 Rozviedli sa. get divorced
3 Písal som im. write to
4 Počul som o tom. hear
5 Našiel to a poslal. find, send
6 Dal som mu vedieť. let know
7 Musela odísť. have to leave
8 Zobudil ma o piatej. wake up
9 Nemohol som prísť. cannot
10 Tie peniaze si nechala. keep
11 Kde si sa narodil? be born
12 Videl som ju včera. see
13 Trvalo mu to dva dni. take

What took you so long? možno preložiť ako: Čo ti trvalo tak dlho?

Tvorte zo slov nepriame rozkazy pomocou let a tell.

1 he, call me.
2 she, come tomorrow
3 they, sit down
4 John, stay in bed
5 she, learn it
6 he, take care of it
7 they, send it to me
8 your father, not, sleep
9 children, not, watch TV
10 she, not, lose it
11 my parents, not, leave
12 your mum, not, worry

Don't worry (about it). znamená Nerob si (s tým) starosti., Netráp sa tým. Fázu: Let me worry about that. možno ho preložiť ako: O to sa postarám ja.

Tvorte z kladných viet záporné vety a naopak.

1 She went there alone.
2 They didn't bring any money.
3 I wasn't able to do that.
4 They didn't sleep together.
5 We spent the night there.
6 He kept the money.
7 I thought so.
8 We didn't go there by car.
9 I didn't try it.
10 He took English lessons.
11 They didn't have to wait.
12 I saw her yesterday.

Prečítajte nahlas časové údaje celými slovami.

1 in the year 1898
2 in the 1980s
3 on May 13, 2011
4 phone No. 678850777
5 room No. 1068
6 in the early 1950s
7 in 1308
8 from 1917 to 2016

Napíšte čísla a údaje, ktoré budete počuť.


Preložte výzvy pomocou slovesa let. Využite pomôcky.

1 Poďme peši. walk
2 Dajme si pauzu. have a break
3 Porozprávajme sa. talk
4 Sadnime si tu. sit here
5 Poďme ku mne. go, my place
6 Nestrácajme čas! waste time
7 Nehádajme sa! argue
8 Nehovorme o tom. speak about
9 Nemyslime na to! think about
10 Neponáhľajme sa! hurry

Doplňte podľa kontextu chýbajúce údaje.

1 Jane was born in 1990. She was 20 years old in ...
2 John is an only child. He's got ... siblings.
3 Mary is Bob's grandma. Bob is Mary's ...
4 Jane is Frank's granddaughter. Frank is her ...
5 Jane is Jack's daughter and Jack is Mary's son. Jane is Mary's ...
6 Mary is Bob's grandma and Jack is Bob's grandpa. Mary and Jack are his ...
7 Kate is Frank's and Jane's mother. That means that Frank and Jane are ...
8 Frank is Mary's husband and Mary is Frank's ...
9 Bob doesn't have a wife and he has no girlfriend or boyfriend. He's ...
10 John is a little boy, but his parents died. John is now an ...
11 Mary was married, but her husband died. She is now a ...
12 John and Bob are good friends. They get ... well.

Zapamätajte si termín marital status (ˈmærɪtəl ˈsteɪtəs) - rodinný stav. Môžete sa s ním často stretnúť pri vypĺňaní formulárov. Typicky sa do kolónky vypĺňa jeden z termínov: single (slobodný/slobodná), married (ženatý/vydatá), divorced (rozvedený/rozvedená), separated (žijúci oddelene) či ev. widowed (ovdovený/ovdovená).

Povedzte po anglicky.

1 Bol som tam včera.
2 Boli ste tam tiež?
3 Neboli doma.
4 Kto tam išiel?
5 Išiel tam sám?
6 Kedy volala?
7 Odišla pred minútou.
8 Čo si robil včera večer?
9 Nemohol som ho zastihnúť.
10 Urobil si chybu.
11 Poslala mi správu.
12 Dostal som od neho správu.
13 Stretol som ho včera.
14 Videl som ju minulý týždeň.
15 Jej priateľ pred rokom zomrel.
16 Skúšal som to dvakrát.
17 Nechal som to na tvojom stole.
18 Zabudol som mu to povedať.
19 Zabudnime na to.
20 Nehovorme o tom!

Slovo alone znamená slovensky sám, ale iba ak hovoríme, že niekto je bez sprievodu, osamotený ap. Napr.: I live alone. - Bývam sám., Leave me alone. - Nechajte ma (o samote). Ak chceme vyjadriť, že niekto niečo urobil sám (bez cudzej pomoci), treba použiť zvratné zámeno, ktoré mení tvary podľa osoby: I - myself, you - yourself, he - himself. Napr. “Urobil som to sám.” - I did it myself., “Vyrobil to sám.” - He made it himself. ap. Viac pozri Zvratné zámená v Lekcii 11.

Pozor na rozdiel vo význame medzi friend a boyfriend pri preklade slovenského priateľ! Friend je všeobecne priateľ ako kamarát. Boyfriend resp. girlfriend je priateľ resp. priateľka ako partner či partnerka v ľúbostnom vzťahu.