
Čítajte nahlas a preložte.

5 I'm not from here.
1 He's a learner of English.
3 Let me introduce myself.
20 I have to go.
11 How much is it?
8 Are they waiting for me?
12 That's not true!
10 There are many foreigners here.
18 Have some!
9 That's my sister's car.
17 You'll have to ask him.
19 I hope not.
13 What will you do?
15 Can you help us?
6 Where are you from?
16 We can't wait.
14 Shall we go?
7 Is there anybody here?
2 What's your name?
4 My name is ...

Napíšte anglicky celými slovami číselné údaje.

2 267 people
5 3.06
9 376,750
8 17,999.5
10 14,064,559
1 45 children
7 2,568
6 86.05
4 16.78
3 876.7

V angličtine je tiež možné vyslovovať číslovky pomocou násobku celých stoviek podobne ako v češtine, a to aj pre číslovky nad 2000. Napr. 1,200 - twelve hundred, ale tiež napríklad 2,500 - twenty-five hundred ap.

Napíšte vety, ktoré počujete.


Spojte výroky. Naučte sa názvy krajín a pomenovania ich príslušníkov.

  • 1 John is English.
  • 2 Lucia is Spanish.
  • 3 Ivan is Russian.
  • 4 Helga and Kurt are German.
  • 5 Bob and Jane are American.
  • 6 Keiko is Japanese.
  • 7 Cheng is Chinese.
  • 8 Luis and Jean are French.
  • 9 Mark and Alison are Irish.
  • 10 Paolo and Valeria are Italian.
  • c They're from Germany.
  • g They're from the USA.
  • f She's from Spain.
  • e They're from Italy.
  • a They're from Ireland.
  • h He's from Russia.
  • d He's from England.
  • b He's from China.
  • j She's from Japan.
  • i They're from France.

Ďalšie národnosti a ich príslušníkov si môžete naštudovať pomocou slovníka. Neštandardné je napríklad: dánsky - Danish ˈdeɪnɪʃ, ale Dán je Dane deɪn, španielsky - Spanish spænɪʃ, ale Španiel je Spaniard ˈspænjəd. My však už vieme, že: “Je to Španiel.” sa dá povedať jednoducho pomocou adjektíva: He's Spanish. Treba si teda hlavne vždy uvedomiť, kedy použiť anglické podstatné meno a kedy adjektívum.

Doplňte podľa kontextu správne zámená.

1 There's my brother. Go ask .
7 Who's that boy? What's name?
6 We aren't ready. Can you wait for ?
8 Our kids are too young. We can't take with us.
4 Call your parents and ask . They'll tell you.
11 We must know this. Please, let know.
10 Look. There's Bob's sister! No, that's not . She has dark hair.
2 My sister is going out tonight. I'm going with .
9 Can I speak to , John?
3 Our dog is hungry. We must give some food.
12 I need to speak with him. Tell him to call .
5 Here's your milk. Drink now!

Sloveso need to sa dnes užíva tiež ako musieť (o nutnosti plynúcej z okolností). Napr.: You need to stop it. - Musíš s tým prestať., You need to listen to me. - Musíš ma počúvať.

Usporiadajte slová do viet podľa bežného anglického slovosledu.

5 will - I - it - tell - tomorrow - him - about.
1 speak - to - need - I - you - to.
6 your - do - homework - when - you - will?
8 like - weather - is - what - the - today?
7 back - will - we - be - about - six - at - p.m.
2 long - it - take - will - how?
3 her - tell - about - don't - it!
4 you - the - tonight - coming - party - to - are?

Doplňte do vety vhodné tvary slovesa be v prítomnom čase.

5 these books yours?
4 I must hurry. My children waiting for me.
7 Our children too young for that.
8 Water good for you.
6 I not afraid of you.
11 How much money there? There 15 dollars.
3 What going on?
1 Peter, you coming to the party tonight?
10 Why you laughing?
12 It true! He lying!
9 I right? No, you wrong!
2 There lots of children.

Do you get the joke? - Rozumiete vtipu? (Môžete použiť slovník.): I have 10 legs, 8 arms and 3 heads. What am I? - A liar!

Doplňte podľa pomôcok správne tvary privlastňovacích zámen.

4 It'll be at our house, not they .
1 What's that girl's name? she name is Jane.
6 He can't call you. he phone isn't working.
2 You can't have it. It isn't you .
5 Is that your dog? What's it name?
9 He's a good friend of I .
8 I phone isn't working. Can I use you ?
10 We want something for we children.
3 There are many parents with they children.
7 The kids are hungry. They want they food.

Vyberte vhodné slovo.

8 There will be not/no/any foreigners.
4 My sister is six feet long/tall/big.
13 We'll meet in/at/on my place in/at/on 6 p.m.
5 What book are you watching/looking/reading?
1 How much/old/tall is your dad? – He's 43.
3 How much/many/little people will there be?
10 Will you get/let/give me know?
2 Which/Who/What are you looking for? – I'm looking for you.
7 Is it long/far/short from here?. No, you can walk there.
12 We're leaving/going/walking out tonight.
6 I'm looking/seeing/watching TV now.
11 I'm making/doing/putting my best. It'll be ready in/at/on 30 minutes.
9 Don't lie! Tell me the true/truth/right.

Doplňte do vety much alebo many.

10 There are too cars.
3 They've got kids and very little time.
9 How is this car?
7 How friends are coming?
6 How luggage have you got?
1 How money will you need?
8 Hurry up. There isn't time.
2 There won't be people.
5 That's too information.
4 There isn't milk here.

Doplňte do vety záporné skrátené tvary slovesa be v prítomnom čase.

6 This book mine.
4 His parents glad.
1 I ready.
7 We very happy.
5 There any kids.
2 She my sister.
3 My brother here.
11 English phrases easy.
10 Why you at school?
8 There many foreigners there.
9 There any money.

Tvorte otázky. Pýtajte sa na zvýraznené slová.

8 Mark is visiting his friend.
7 Jane and Bob are coming.
4 I'm writing an e-mail.
3 Jane is still sleeping.
10 I'm not listening to you.
1 John is leaving tomorrow.
2 He's reading a book.
9 I'm watching a film on TV.
5 They're playing a game.
12 We're going out tonight.
6 We're going on holiday.
11 My friends are having fun.

Doplňte určité a neurčité členy, kde ich treba.

6 Can I have little water?
2 Bob is American. He has house in USA.
10 My friends are Irish. They're from Ireland.
5 There's lot of water in sea.
7 There are ten cats in house.
4 The Thames is river in Britain.
11 I'll take taxi to work.
9 Jean is French. He's French student.
3 British are nice people.
8 She's good friend of mine.
1 Jane is nice girl. She's British.

Spojte otázky a reakcie.

  • 1 Am I disturbing you?
  • 2 What time will you be back?
  • 3 Shall we walk?
  • 4 Who are you looking for?
  • 5 Are you going on holiday?
  • 6 Is he American?
  • 7 How long will it take?
  • 8 What will you drink?
  • g I'll leave that to you.
  • h At about half past six.
  • e No, I think he's British.
  • c It'll be ready tomorrow.
  • f I need to speak to Mr Brown.
  • d No, come in!
  • b Yes, we're going to the seaside.
  • a No, we'll take a taxi.

Zapamätajte si užitočný obrat: I'll leave that to you. - To nechám na vás. Podobne: Leave that to me. - Nechaj(te) to na mňa.

Doplňte some alebo any.

4 There aren't people.
10 Can he speak foreign languages?
5 Can you give me money?
9 I can't see children.
1 We need time.
7 Have you got pets?
8 of them are students.
3 Are there kids there?
6 We haven't got milk.
2 Can I have water?

Dajte vety v prítomnom čase do jednoduchého budúceho času.

10 Who's coming?
9 What are you doing?
4 I'm leaving in ten minutes.
3 My mum is making dinner.
11 I can't come.
5 We are meeting at my place.
1 They are going on holiday.
12 We must do it.
2 He isn't sleeping at home.
6 He's not afraid.
8 When are we leaving?
7 We aren't at home.

Povedzte po anglicky. Využite pomôcky.

4 Pomôžeš mi? help
3 Neviem po anglicky. speak
8 Je niečo na jedenie? anything to eat
7 Je málo času. little
13 Koľko je hodín? what time
14 Kedy prídu? arrive
11 Nie sú tam žiadni ľudia. no
9 Kde sa stretneme? meet
1 Angličtina je ľahká. easy
12 Dám mu vedieť. let know
5 Počúvaš ma? listen
10 Sú tam nejaké deti? any
6 Kedy odchádzaš? leave
15 Ja nespím! sleep
2 Učím sa po anglicky. learn

Sloveso spať je anglicky to sleep, ale bežne možno použiť aj spojenie be asleep əˈsliːp. Možno povedať: He's sleeping., alebo He's asleep., Are you sleeping? alebo Are you asleep?

Doplňte slovo opačného významu.

3 I'm cold and she's . I'm tall and she's .
6 She's sad and he's .
8 There's too much work and too time.
4 Now we are young, but we'll be too.
7 There will be many men but only women.
2 My brother is little and I am .
1 English is easy, but Japanese is .
5 His English is very good, but mine is .

Spojte súvisiace výroky.

  • 1 Grass in spring is
  • 2 Bananas are
  • 3 Chocolate is
  • 4 The sky at night is
  • 5 Good tomatoes are
  • 6 The sea is
  • 7 Oranges are
  • 8 Snow is
  • h black.
  • g blue.
  • a brown.
  • f green.
  • c red.
  • e yellow.
  • d orange.
  • b white.

Vyberte správnu predložku.

12 It isn't far of/from/to here. We'll be there at/in/to time.
13 She'll be here in/at/to five p.m. I'll speak on/to/at her.
9 Look at/on/to this photo.
10 I'll call you on/at/in the morning.
2 She'll be back in/for/on an hour.
3 We'll meet in/at/on my place in/at/on the evening.
6 That's the house at/of/to my parents.
1 He's afraid at/to/of you.
8 Where is he to/for/from?
11 We go there on/to/at weekends.
4 What are you doing in/at/on Monday?
7 Don't call me in/at/on night.
5 It's half to/past/at six. I'm going to/at/for work.

Sloveso speak sa viaže s predložkou to alebo with (hovoriť s niekým). Speak to všeobecne naznačuje skôr snahu o jednostrannú komunikáciu. (hovoriť k niekomu, hl. z pozície autority ap.). Napr.: I'll speak to him. - Prehovorím (si) s ním. (dohovorím mu ap.) Speak with všeobecne naznačuje skôr dialóg. Napr.: I'll speak with him. - Budem s ním hovoriť. ap.

Doplňte správne tvary slovies.

3 My brother speak four languages.
4 We're just work on it. It be ready soon.
6 Who know about it? I let you know.
7 How are you feel ?
13 Mark enjoy his work.
1 A man is wait there for you.
9 Stop it! It's get on my nerves.
2 Why are you sit here?
10 What are you read ? My dad read a lot.
8 They not be now. They be back soon.
12 We'll go shop tomorrow.
11 I want see it. Can you show it to me?
5 My mum have no time.

Sloveso baviť (čo koho) sa často prekláda anglickým enjoy (tešiť sa z niečoho, užívať si niečo) alebo like (mať rád, páčiť sa). Majte však na pamäti, že oproti slovenčine dochádza pri týchto slovesách k obráteniu podmetu a prísudku! Teda nie, že niečo baví niekoho, ale niekto má rád/si užíva niečo. Napr.: “Baví ma to.” - I enjoy it. Keď niečo niekoho už nebaví, väčšinou sa použije obrat be tired of ..., teda, že už je niekto z niečoho unavený. Napr.: “Už ma to nebaví.” - I'm tired of it.

Doplňte preklady viet.

16 Pridáte sa k nám? Will you us?
14 Môžem sa ťa niečo opýtať? May I you something?
7 Vyzerá to na dážď. It looks rain.
2 Odchádzame za 2 dni. We're in two days.
5 Koľko máš rokov? How are you?
8 Nehovor mu to, prosím! Please tell him!
11 Urobím, čo budem môcť. I'll do my .
1 Odkiaľ ste? Where are you ?
15 Dnes večer ideme niekam von. We're going out .
4 Jane o tom vie. Jane about it.
6 Prepáčte, že idem neskoro. Sorry, I'm .
13 Môžem ďalej? - Samozrejme! Can I in? - Of  !
12 Ako je vysoký? How is he?
9 Urobíš to pre mňa? you do it for me?
3 Bob má veľa priateľov. Bob a lot of friends.
10 V koľko hodín prídeš? What will you come?

Doplňte vhodné slová.

10 Sorry, I have no time. I'm very now.
6 He isn't here now. We will to wait for him.
13 I'm leaving for London. – Have a safe !
5 What's the like? – It's raining again.
11 I'll be back soon. Will you for me?
9 Can I with you? – No, you'll stay here.
4 are you? – I'm fine. Thanks.
12 Shall we go bus or car? – We'll a taxi.
8 He's ! – No, he's wrong!
3 What are the kids doing? – They're some games.
7 We're waiting you! You are again.
1 I'm not afraid him. He's my friend.
2 How is she? – She's 35.

K slovesu leave (odísť kam) sa viaže predložka for, nie to, ako by Slovákovi mohlo napadnúť! Leave vyjadruje, že niekto opúšťa nejaké miesto pre iné. Napr.: I'm leaving Bratislava for London. - “Odchádzam z Bratislavy do Londýna.” ap. Ak po leave nasleduje to, uvádza neurčitok iného slovesa vyjadrujúceho účel. Napr.: He's leaving London to work in New York. - Odchádza z Londýna pracovať do New Yorku.

Povedzte po anglicky.

14 Čo si dáte? (k jedlu)
2 Nečakajte na mňa.
1 Kam ideš na dovolenku?
8 Prídeš?
5 Zdržíme sa tri dni.
7 Čakáte na niekoho?
17 Budete musieť počkať.
4 Bývame v hoteli.
13 Bude to stačiť?
10 Som Slovák.
15 Koľko to bude trvať?
6 Vezmeme si taxík.
9 Chcem navštíviť priateľa v Londýne.
20 Šťastnú cestu!
18 Je mi horúco.
3 Dajte sa druhou ulicou vľavo.
16 Nie som pripravený.
12 Požiadam ho o pomoc.
11 Pôjdeme?
19 Vstúpte!

Všimnite si, ako logicky sú tvorené slovíčka: something - some+thing (nejaká vec - niečo), nothing - no+thing (žiadna vec - nič), everything - every+thing (každá vec - všetko) a anything - any+thing (akákoľvek vec - čokoľvek). Ľahko si tak zapamätáte hneď niekoľko užitočných slov. Podobne fungujú slová somebody (niekto), nobody (nikto), everybody (každý) a anybody (ktokoľvek).

Sloveso may meɪ znamená “smieť”, ale užíva sa tiež k vyjadreniu potenciálnej možnosti či neistoty (možno, hádam ap.). Napr.: You may be right. - “Možno máš pravdu”, We may go to... - “Mohli by sme treba ísť do...”, I may be back soon. - “Možno budem skoro späť.” ap. Viac pozri tvary might a may v lekcii 14.